What are G98 and G99 certificates and why does it take so long to receive them?

They are requirements set up by the grid provider.

After the PV solar system is installed on your roof, the last step that needs to be done before you can start consuming the electricity produced by the system is to receive a G98/G99 certificate, or an approval that allows you to connect the system to the national grid. Please note: obtaining G98/G99 certificates is mandatory and if not obtained your system can be permanently cut off from the grid.

The installer is responsible for filing for the certificates and Otovo provides them to you once they are issued according to the system installed:
  • G98 certificate - A certificate designated for systems with an inverter installed with a potential output of up to 3.68 kWp. This certificate will be filed by Otovo once the installation is complete and is approved automatically.

  • G99 certificate - A certificate designated for systems with inverter(s) installed with a potential output of 3.68 kWp and above. This certificate is filed by Otovo before the installation can take place and will take at least 35-45 working days to be approved or declined.